About Amethyst
Amethyst is one of the very powerful crystals of protection and high vibrations.
Holding the power of violet flame Amethyst acts as a transmuter of negative energy into positive energy. It helps to block negative energies and raise vibrations in the environment in which it is placed. It is extremely beneficial for enhancing meditations and helps to raise our consciousness.
Amethyst crystal is also very good for your mind since it calms and raises concentration at once. Helping you to focus and feel in control and help you make the decisions with more ease.
It also helps with sleeping problems, calming the environment and your mind so you are able to fall asleep easier. Calming your mind also helps your memory to work better, since the calmed mind is more recipient than the loud chaotic mind. It also helps you to be better at visualization.
This crystal also works as a balancer and balances your emotions. Dispels fear, anger, and rage raise positive feelings in you and promote emotional centeredness.
As one of the most spiritual stones of the quartz crystal family, Amethyst helps to feel love, enhances our spiritual wisdom, helps us in becoming our true selves to find our true nature. It also enhances our intuition and helps us rediscover our psychic talents. Among others, it is also a great aura cleanser.
When it comes to physical healing, Amethyst crystal helps in hormone productions, boosting our immune system. It works very well as a blood cleanser, stress remover, and pain releaser. It is also beneficial for the lungs and respiratory tract. Besides all, it is very good for migraines too when placed on the third eye.
Key spiritual and healing benefits of Amethyst crystal:
- Transforms negative energy into positive,
- Lifts vibrations in space,
- Good for meditations and consciousness expansion,
- Balances emotions,
- Good for memory and focus,
- Helps with sleeping problems,
- Boost immune system,
- Cleanse aura,
- Helps with headaches,…
Like all crystals, Amethyst needs to be regularly cleansed. You can use any cleansing method. Only beware not to leave Amethyst in direct sunlight for too long since it can lose color.
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